AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, in-class activity, and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, and conservation.
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AP Physics I is an algebra-based, introductory physics course that will guide students through a college-level learning experience. This two-segment course is designed for students to develop an understanding of physics through rich content, engaging activities, and inquiry-based laboratory. Students will explore concepts such as analyzing motion, force interactions, energy,...
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Biology is intended to expose students to the designs and patterns of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. In preceding years, students should have developed a foundational understanding of life sciences. Expanding on that, this Biology course will incorporate more abstract knowledge. The student’s understanding should encompass both...
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This course is designed for credit recovery for Chemistry I. Chemistry is the study of the composition and structure of materials and the changes they undergo. This 1.0 credit course is broken into two 0.5 credit segments which may be taken separately to meet the needs of the student. The...
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