Subject: Computer Science and Technology
The FLVS Elementary Technology Fourth Grade course enables students to develop basic skills in computer science through engaging and age-appropriate content. The courses will expose students, within developmentally appropriate stages, to concepts such as problem-solving, algorithms, security/privacy/copyright, computer programming basics, and keyboarding skills. Students learn block-based coding in offline environments...
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The FLVS Elementary Technology Fifth Grade course enables students to develop basic skills in computer science through engaging and age-appropriate content. The courses will expose students, within developmentally appropriate stages, to concepts such as problem-solving, algorithms, security/privacy/copyright, computer programming basics, and keyboarding skills. Students learn block-based coding in offline environments...
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The FLVS Elementary Technology Kindergarten course enables students to develop basic skills in computer science through engaging and age-appropriate content. The course will expose students to concepts such as problem solving, algorithms, and computer basics skills. Students will learn block based coding in an offline environment. In addition to the...
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Foundations of Programming will teach students the fundamentals of programming using the computer language Python. The course provides students with the concepts, techniques, and processes associated with computer programming and software development. Students will also explore the many programming career opportunities available in this high-demand field.
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Students will work to learn the skills necessary to understand and communicate how to develop a program, how to write original code using the Java programming language to solve problems, and how to troubleshoot existing code to debug programs. Course focuses on creative development processes, big ideas of modularity, variables,...
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Students work to learn the principles that underlie the science of computing and develop the thinking skills that computer scientists use. This course fully prepares students to have confidence in completing all requirements for the AP Computer Science Principles exam. Course is structured around five main ideas: 1) Creative Development...
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Cybersecurity lays a Foundation for understanding cyber law and policy, Linux, networking technology basics, risk assessment, cryptography, and a variety of cybersecurity tools – all the essential knowledge and skills needed to begin a Future in the cybersecurity workforce. Not only does Cybersecurity introduce the breadth of cybersecurity concepts and...
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