Get to Know Us.
Horizon Digitally Enhanced Campus is on a mission to deliver outstanding online learning solutions that enhance the traditional classroom experience. As part of that mission, we help students, families and districts navigate the evolving field of education and emerging online learning opportunities.
Create and teach online courses owned by the State of Oklahoma.
Evaluate courses to ensure they align with both national online learning standards and Oklahoma’s academic standards.
Maintain the Oklahoma Online Course Catalog with a list of state-certified courses.
Negotiate competitive rates with third-party online coursework vendors.
Oversee the statewide Horizon Consortium.
In 2011, the Oklahoma legislature amended State Statute 70-1-111, guaranteeing Oklahoma students the right to supplemental online education. To comply with the law, the State Department of Education created the Oklahoma Supplemental Online Course Program (OSOCP). Horizon: Digitally Enhanced Campus was created to help schools implement the OSOCP mandate.
Since 2015, we have worked relentlessly to create the region’s premier blended learning model — and our work isn’t done. With an ever-expanding catalog of state-certified courses, we are broadening educational opportunities for students across Oklahoma. And through the Horizon Consortium, we are uniting districts across the state in a powerful bargaining collective.
In the years to come, we will continue to advocate and innovate in support of Oklahoma school districts and the students they serve. We will help students realize their highest potential. And together, we will create brighter horizons for students, families, communities and the future of our great state.
This state law governs the rights of students to obtain supplemental online coursework in Oklahoma. According to the law and administrative rules adopted by the State Board of Education:
- Students cannot be denied the opportunity to enroll in educationally appropriate courses. Ongoing enrollment throughout the school year must be provided.
- Students may take up to 5 credits in an academic year.
- Students are not required to pay tuition for supplemental online courses. Schools pay for the courses from the General Fund.
- Districts must notify the State Department of Education of any denial of a student’s enrollment in an online supplemental course.
- Students enrolled in supplemental courses may participate in extracurricular activities.
Students & Families
Horizon opens up a world of opportunity for Oklahoma students and families. We offer supplemental online education in AP, STEM, foreign languages and more. Credit recovery is also available. Horizon students can participate in sports, band and other activities in their local district. Learn how our blended learning platform can benefit you.
Schools & Districts
With hard-to-staff courses and a growing need for digital learning, Horizon helps schools navigate a changing environment. We review online courses for alignment with state and national standards, and negotiate competitive rates for supplemental online courses. Districts can join the Horizon Consortium for maximum savings and benefits.
Our dedicated team is here to help. Just click the button to send us a message.