Why do you sometimes remember complex things but forget all of a sudden where you left your shoes? Why is your personality similar or different from your siblings? Why do some things motivate you more than others? Discover how you learn and remember, the impact of stress on your emotions...
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This course will take you on an exciting adventure that covers more than 2,500 years of history! Along the way, you’ll run into some very strange characters. For example, you’ll read about a man who hung out on street corners, barefoot and dirty, pestering everyone he met with questions. You’ll...
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Physical Science offers a focused curriculum designed around the understanding of critical physical science concepts, including the nature and structure of matter, the characteristics of energy, and the mastery of critical scientific skills. Course topics include an introduction to kinematics, including gravity and two-dimensional motion; force; momentum; waves; electricity; atoms;...
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This course is designed as an interactive, 21st century course focusing on basic physics and chemistry. Topics include forces and motion, energy through waves, electricity and magnetism, the matter around us, chemical bonding and reactions. This course is designed to serve as a foundation for the study of the physical...
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