This is the first semester of a full-year, eighth-grade course that exposes students to a thorough study of specific topics within the life, earth and physical sciences. The first unit focuses on traditional concepts in chemistry and physics, and encourages a world view of the fields of science. The course...
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This is the second semester of a full-year, eighth-grade course that exposes students to a thorough study of specific topics within the life, earth and physical sciences. The first unit focuses on traditional concepts in chemistry and physics, and encourages a world view of the fields of science. The course...
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In this course, students learn about different types of leadership, the characteristics of a leader, how leaders make effective decisions, and the secret to becoming a good leader.
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Using a special in-house typing software, SimpleType, students will gain typing speed while learning the proper technique to become a keyboarding master. Students will learn introductory word processing and electronic presentation best practices in addition to computer hardware, internet, and business application skills to prepare for their future career.
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