
1 Unit
Social Studies
Grades: 12

Economics is a semester-long course, created to provide students with a strong foundation in basic economic principles.
The course helps students to investigate several economic questions, such as:
What is economics?
How does scarcity influence the way people make decisions?
In what ways does the market mechanism allocate resources to their best use?
How does government regulation affect the economy?
Lessons and projects encourage students to examine a variety of problems from the viewpoint of an economist.
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to do the following:
Define economics
Describe the economic roles of individuals, organizations, and institutions
Analyze factors that affect supply and demand
Differentiate between wants, needs, and preferences, and how these factors influence the decision-making process
Compare and contrast the efficiency of different market structures
Analyze the effects of government regulation upon the economy
Describe the roles of consumers, producers, and laborers in the economy
Describe macroeconomics


  • NCAA Eligible


Instructor Embedded Cost: $265 per license

Content Only Cost: N/A

The following information applies only to instructor embedded courses.

Prerequisites: none

Oklahoma Subject Code: 5521

Course Provider Contact: Kate Baxter | | 480-772-9717

How To Purchase This Course

Districts wishing to purchase this course should contact the course provider directly (see contact information above) and reference the contract in the "attachments" portion of the page linked here. If you are purchasing an Instructor Embedded course, please note that online instructors need not be certified in the state of Oklahoma. They must be certified to teach the content in at least one state or teach the subject at a college or university. To enroll a student in the course, you will need to obtain from the course provider (a) the instructor’s name; (b) the state through which the instructor is certified, and (c) the instructor’s certification number. If the instructor is employed to teach the subject at a college or university, you will need to obtain that institution’s iPEDS number. This information will be recorded in the SIS when you enroll a student in the course. When enrolling a student in a Content Only course, you must indicate in the SIS the name of the person monitoring the course.