Principles of Entrepreneurship

1 Unit
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Do you have a desire to follow your passion and control your schedule and a willingness to take risks and work hard? Do you have an innovative idea and want to start your own business but don’t know where to start? Having the right tools and knowledge about business plans, marketing, financing, and small business management will help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. In Principles of Entrepreneurship, students identify characteristics and traits of entrepreneurs and assess personal strengths and weaknesses for entrepreneurial success. This course focuses on the steps in starting a business; how the economy plays a role in small businesses; the basic principles of marketing, selling, distributing, and financing; and workforce readiness skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur. Throughout the course, students focus on learning about and practicing their entrepreneurial mindset, a set of skills and attitudes that are beneficial both personally and professionally. At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to take the Entrepreneurship and Small Business v.2 industry certification practice exam and certification exam. Principles of Entrepreneurship is the first course in the Entrepreneurship program of study.


  • State Certified


Instructor Embedded Cost: $475

Content Only Cost: $48

The following information applies only to instructor embedded courses.

Prerequisites: None

Oklahoma Subject Code: N/A

Course Provider Contact: Glenda Ellero | | 407-504-1476

How To Purchase This Course

Districts wishing to purchase this course should contact the course provider directly (see contact information above) and reference the contract in the "attachments" portion of the page linked here. If you are purchasing an Instructor Embedded course, please note that online instructors need not be certified in the state of Oklahoma. They must be certified to teach the content in at least one state or teach the subject at a college or university. To enroll a student in the course, you will need to obtain from the course provider (a) the instructor’s name; (b) the state through which the instructor is certified, and (c) the instructor’s certification number. If the instructor is employed to teach the subject at a college or university, you will need to obtain that institution’s iPEDS number. This information will be recorded in the SIS when you enroll a student in the course. When enrolling a student in a Content Only course, you must indicate in the SIS the name of the person monitoring the course.