Sports & Entertainment Marketing

0.5 Unit
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Have you ever wished to play sports professionally? Have you dreamed of one day becoming an agent for a celebrity entertainer? If you answered yes to either question, then believe it or not, you’ve been fantasizing about entering the exciting world of sports and entertainment marketing. Although this particular form of marketing bears some resemblance to traditional marketing, there are many differences as wellÑincluding a lot more glitz and glamour! In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to explore basic marketing principles and delve deeper into the multi-billion dollar sports and entertainment marketing industry. You’ll learn about how professional athletes, sports teams, and well known entertainers are marketed as commodities and how some of them become billionaires as a result. If you’ve ever wondered about how things work behind the scenes of a major sporting event such as the Super Bowl or even entertained the idea of playing a role in
such an event, then this course will introduce you to the fundamentals of such a career.


  • Quality Matters Certified
  • State Certified


Instructor Embedded Cost: $275

Content Only Cost: See Course Details

The following information applies only to instructor embedded courses.

Oklahoma Subject Code: N/A

Course Provider Contact: Sarika Simpson | Academy Director | | 866-890-8153

How To Purchase This Course

Districts wishing to purchase this course should contact the course provider directly (see contact information above) and reference the contract in the "attachments" portion of the page linked here. If you are purchasing an Instructor Embedded course, please note that online instructors need not be certified in the state of Oklahoma. They must be certified to teach the content in at least one state or teach the subject at a college or university. To enroll a student in the course, you will need to obtain from the course provider (a) the instructor’s name; (b) the state through which the instructor is certified, and (c) the instructor’s certification number. If the instructor is employed to teach the subject at a college or university, you will need to obtain that institution’s iPEDS number. This information will be recorded in the SIS when you enroll a student in the course. When enrolling a student in a Content Only course, you must indicate in the SIS the name of the person monitoring the course.