U.S. History, Semester A

0.5 Unit
Social Studies
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

US History is the study of the events, people, and culture of the United States over time. In US History A, you will learn about the process of historical inquiry, review the events and principles behind the founding of the United States, and then apply historical inquiry to analyze societal issues, trends, and events from the Civil War through the Great Depression. YouÕll explore timelines to gain an understanding of how events link to each other, and youÕll analyze historical documents for a firsthand sense of how events unfolded. YouÕll also gather evidence from relevant documents and historical texts in order to develop credible explanations of events in US history. YouÕll then use that evidence to evaluate change and continuity over time by writing essays and creating presentations about broad periods of historical development.


  • NCAA Eligible
  • Quality Matters Certified
  • State Certified


Instructor Embedded Cost: $275

Content Only Cost: See Course Details

The following information applies only to instructor embedded courses.

Oklahoma Subject Code: 5410

Course Provider Contact: Sarika Simpson | Academy Director | counselor@edmentum.com | 866-890-8153

How To Purchase This Course

Districts wishing to purchase this course should contact the course provider directly (see contact information above) and reference the contract in the "attachments" portion of the page linked here. If you are purchasing an Instructor Embedded course, please note that online instructors need not be certified in the state of Oklahoma. They must be certified to teach the content in at least one state or teach the subject at a college or university. To enroll a student in the course, you will need to obtain from the course provider (a) the instructor’s name; (b) the state through which the instructor is certified, and (c) the instructor’s certification number. If the instructor is employed to teach the subject at a college or university, you will need to obtain that institution’s iPEDS number. This information will be recorded in the SIS when you enroll a student in the course. When enrolling a student in a Content Only course, you must indicate in the SIS the name of the person monitoring the course.