Subject: Science
This is the first semester of a full-year course that acquaints students with topics in classical and modern physics. The course emphasizes conceptual understanding of basic physics principles, including Newtonian mechanics, energy, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, magnetism, and nuclear and modern physics. Throughout the course, students solve mathematical problems, reason abstractly,...
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This is the second semester of a full-year course that acquaints students with topics in classical and modern physics. The course emphasizes conceptual understanding of basic physics principles, including Newtonian mechanics, energy, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, magnetism, and nuclear and modern physics. Throughout the course, students solve mathematical problems, reason abstractly,...
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In this course, students will examine the functions of the body’s biological systems—including skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems. In addition to understanding the function of each system, students will learn the function of cells, blood, and sensory organs, as well as study DNA, immunity, and...
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In this course students will explore the anatomy or structure of the human body. In addition to learning anatomical terminology, students will study and the main systems of the bodyÐ including integumentary, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems. In addition to identifying the bones, muscles, and organs,...
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Biology is presented as one form of scientific inquiry, the process of channeling human curiosity into purposeful exploration, discovery, and exploration of observable natural phenomena. Biology is the study of life, but it is most important as a shared method of asking questions all humans have about life and living...
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Biology is presented as one form of scientific inquiry, the process of channeling human curiosity into purposeful exploration, discovery, and exploration of observable natural phenomena. Biology is the study of life, but it is most important as a shared method of asking questions all humans have about life and living...
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The Advanced Chemistry course is designed around the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework established by the College Board. The course is presented through the lens of scientific inquiryÑthe process of channeling human curiosity into purposeful exploration, discovery, and application of observable natural phenomena. In this course, students will grow to understand...
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The Advanced Chemistry course is designed around the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework established by the College Board. The course is presented through the lens of scientific inquiryÑthe process of channeling human curiosity into purposeful exploration, discovery, and application of observable natural phenomena. In this course, students will grow to understand...
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Why do stars twinkle? Is it possible to fall into a black hole? Will the sun ever stop shining? Since the first glimpse of the night sky, humans have been fascinated with the stars, planets, and universe that surrounds us. This course will introduce students to the study of astronomy,...
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Biology, Semester A, is a single-semester course designed to strengthen your knowledge of basic biology. The first unit provides an introduction to biology and biochemistry. It focuses on the roles of and differences between plant and animal cells. In the second unit, youÕll learn about the functions of different organ...
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