Subject: Science
Biology, Semester B, is a single-semester course designed to strengthen your knowledge of biology concepts. The first unit focuses on the classification, characteristics and biological processes of living organisms. In the second unit, youÕll study evolutionary mechanisms and the impact of environmental factors on species over time. The third unit...
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Chemistry is the study of how a set of substances with particular physical propertiesÑlike solid paper and the oxygen in the airÑcan react with each other to form different substances with entirely different propertiesÑlike gaseous water and carbon dioxide. In most cases, these chemical changes result in an energy change...
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Chemistry is the study of how a set of substances with particular physical propertiesÑlike solid paper and the oxygen in the airÑcan react with each other to form different substances with entirely different propertiesÑlike gaseous water and carbon dioxide. In most cases, these chemical changes result in an energy change...
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Science is the study of the natural world. It relies on experimentation and physical evidence to describe the natural events that occur around us. Earth and Space Science A begins with space. You will observe the phases of the Moon and use scientific evidence to understand how Earth, the Sun,...
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Science is the study of the natural world. It relies on experimentation and physical evidence to describe the natural events that occur around us. Earth and Space Science B explains how convection shapes the weather, climate, and movement of ocean currents on Earth. The course takes an in-depth look at...
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This one-semester course is intended to introduce you to the concepts and processes of environmental science. This course has 13 lessons organized into four units, plus four Unit Activities. Each lesson contains one or more Lesson Activities. In Environmental Science, Semester A, you will learn about the importance of environmental...
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This one-semester course is intended to introduce you to the concepts and processes of environmental science. This course has 14 lessons organized into four units, plus four Unit Activities. Each lesson contains one or more Lesson Activities. In Environmental Science, Semester B, you will learn about the factors that affect...
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Earth and space science is the study of the structure of our planet and Earth’s role in the solar system and universe. This branch of science relies on observations, historical data, and physical evidence to describe the natural processes that occur around us and in distant space. Semester A begins...
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Earth and space science is the study of the structure of our planet and Earth’s role in the solar system and universe. This branch of science relies on observations, historical data, and physical evidence to describe the natural processes that occur around us and in distant space. You’ll begin Semester...
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Chemistry is the study of how a set of substances with particular physical propertiesÑlike solid paper and the oxygen in the airÑcan react with each other to form different substances with entirely different propertiesÑlike gaseous water and carbon dioxide. In most cases, these chemical changes result in an energy change...
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