When you buy goods and services, you are acting as a consumer. For example, you might buy a sandwich for lunch or pay a hair stylist for a haircut. Consumer Mathematics is designed to teach you about real-life financial situations that require everyday math skills. As a consumer, you will...
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English is the study of the creation and analysis of literature written in the English language. In English 10A you will explore the different literary devices used in short stories, such as subject, theme, mood, plot, and narration. You will read and analyze a variety of literary works to learn...
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English is the study of the creation and analysis of literature written in the English language. In English 10B you will explore characteristics of different genres of fiction, such as realistic fiction, historical fiction, and science fiction, and analyze historical context, theme, and genre in Franz KafkaÕs novella The Metamorphosis....
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English is the study of the creation and analysis of literature written in the English language. In English 7A, you will explore different elements of fiction such as theme, characters, setting, and plot. You will also improve your writing by developing skills required for academic writing. You will evaluate how...
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