When you buy goods and services, you are acting as a consumer. For example, you might buy a sandwich for lunch or pay a hair stylist for a haircut. Consumer Mathematics is designed to teach you about real-life financial situations that require everyday math skills. As a consumer, you will...
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Students travel through a life span and explore how money can shape their lives. They learn about earning, saving, and spending so that they can make their money work for them.
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Science is the study of the natural world. It relies on experimentation and physical evidence to describe the natural events that occur around us. Earth and Space Science A begins with space. You will observe the phases of the Moon and use scientific evidence to understand how Earth, the Sun,...
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Science is the study of the natural world. It relies on experimentation and physical evidence to describe the natural events that occur around us. Earth and Space Science B explains how convection shapes the weather, climate, and movement of ocean currents on Earth. The course takes an in-depth look at...
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